b'14K Religious MedalsBC-2013 BC-2004BC-2003BC-2001MiraculousBC-2012BC-2010 Miraculous Miraculous MiraculousMiraculousMiraculousBC-2009 BC-2002BC-2011Miraculous MiraculousMiraculous LaserEtchedCLOSEOUT BC-2159BC-2014 Multi-SaintBC-2118NEW Miraculous BC-3000Multi-Saint Our Lady of GuadalupeCOMING SOON BC-2043 BC-2122Sacred Heart MiraculousCOMING SOON BC-3001 BC-2124Sacred Heart MiraculousBC-2119BC-2070 Multi-SaintSaint Joseph BC-2090BC-2066 St. JudeSaint Joseph BC-2089 St. Jude BC-2057 BC-2076St. Anthony Our Lady of Guadalupe BC-2074BC-2061 Our Lady of GuadalupeSt. Anthony BC-2088BC-2079 St. JudeBC-2087BC-2082St. Theresa St. JudeSt. Theresa BC-2040BC-2056 Our Lady ofSt. Anthony Perpetual HelpBC-2101 St. Francis BC-2025BC-2100 St. ChristopherBC-2099St. Michael BC-2027BC-2016St. Michael St. ChristopherSt. ChristopherBC-2017 St. Christopher CLOSEOUT BC-2018BC-2019 BC-2024BC-2026BC-2028NOT AVAILABLERM-2189St. ChristopherSt. Christopher St. ChristopherSt. ChristopherSt. ChristopherRM-2188St. ChristopherSt. Christopher 28 14K Solid 14K. All Medals (except Miraculous & Multi-Saint) have high-polished engravable backs. GOLD'